Recent news
The chorus had a busy time leading up to Christmas with many singouts at The Arts Centre, Riccarton Sunday Market, malls and several resthomes.
The chorus were invited this year to sing at the Canterbury Show on Saturday 16th November. It was a fun day out, singing at various locations around the grounds. We particularly enjoyed singing with the sheep and goats!
moreWe did it! After being ranked 13th coming into the Sweet Adelines International Barbershop Competition, we shot to 5th place in the semi-finals and retained our placing after our finals package!
moreOn Saturday 21st September various local choirs and singing groups sang at several indoor & outdoor venues throughout the city. A small group of Christchurch City Chorus members sang songs at the Great Hall in the Arts Center & at the Art Gallery. Three quartets, Soundbite, Not Too...
moreOn Saturday 22nd June a few of our chorus members were invited to sing at a Share and Korero event organised by the local Ukrainian community. Authentic Ukrainian food was served and a Ukrainian singing group also performed traditional folk songs.
Our chorus has many quartets, some are comprised of all CCC members and others have at least one or more CCC members. This year seven quartets containing CCC members competed.
In preparation for our international contest in October in Kansas City, the chorus performed two of their songs for evaluation by the international judges.
moreThe chorus enjoyed a wonderful weekend of coaching from Rob Sequeira, a BHS singing judge and music director of Sydney-based chorus, Vox Canvas. Our theme was Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas ... YET...
moreThe chorus had a lovely time strolling around the city following Santa. The weather stayed dry which was great!
moreWe had lots of fun walking around the NZ Agricultural Show singing and entertaining the crowd in various locations.
The chorus had a very successful time competing at the Barbershop Harmony Pan Pacific Convention. We gained 1st place both the New Zealand Womens' Chorus and the Pan Pacific Womens' Chorus. We also gained 3rd place in the BHNZ Open Chorus category and 5th place in the overall Pan Pacific...